Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a natural daily phenomenon, re-growth is generally a given. But this shedding of hair cannot be the main cause of hair loss. Every strand of hair on a human head is genetically programmed to a cycle that includes growth, stabilization, aging and shedding. On the average, a human head sheds about 50 – 125 (depending on gender) but most of them will come back after the resting stage as the follicle itself is not destroyed. Trouble begins when the loss exceeds re-growth, or the re-growth is weak and unhealthy. These are the main causes of hair loss.

Other causes of hair loss are as follows


Genes can give you stunning looks but may also be a cause of hair loss for you. In a vast majority of cases, hair loss is hereditary, passed down the genes from either side of parentage. Some studies indicate that baldness from the maternal side has a greater chance of it being passed along.

Here is the most common explanation how genes can be a cause of hail loss:

During the fetus formation stage, some hair genes make hair follicles susceptible to a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone, more commonly referred to as simply DHT. When this link is established, the follicle starts to shrink, sprouting thinner and weaker hair at every cycle. Eventually, the follicle or root dies and baldness is complete.

Stress, Trauma, Diet

Other causes of hair loss could be surgery, medication, high level of work or family related stress and diet or nutrition changes all these can contribute to hair loss. These causes of hair loss are generally short lived and hair growth is restored once the situation normalizes. In any case, the above mentioned causes of hair loss rarely contribute to baldness

How To Treat Hair Loss Naturally

Identifying the cause of one’s sudden hair loss and treating it naturally, is the best way to recover from stress related hair loss; but it is not always the easiest thing to do. In some cases, stress has become such a major and vital part of one’s daily routine that it can be very difficult to separate oneself from the need for it. Statistics show that over 80% of people are overstressed, in some capacity, and may be suffering from some health condition because of it. Most Americans live such busy lives and suffer from the weight of responsibilities with jobs and family that we allow our health habits to fall. Sudden hair loss is not a direct side effect of stress, but it comes as a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle caused by the reality of stressful conditions in our lives. Therefore, it is very important for every individual suffering from sudden hair loss to understand what causes stress, how it affects one’s health, and how to either get rid of or cope with one’s stress.

The following is a list of things one can do to cope with stress. In order to completely get rid of your stress and cure it, one has to devise a list of all of your problems and deal with them head on. Ignoring your problems and disassociating yourself from stressful events only serves to bring temporary relief but not a permanent cure. The following list are ways one can cope with stress.


Researchers have discovered that regular exercise decreases the production of adrenaline and will counteract the stress response. Physical activity of any kind is an effective way to relieve stress and will usually leave you feeling relaxed and rational about your problems. Researchers have also found that those who exercise regularly sleep and relax better.


Having healthy sleep habits and relaxation rituals are a very important part of eliminating stress. If you set aside at least 20 minutes each day in a quiet room to relax your mind and focus on good thoughts, you will notice a change in one’s attitude toward stress. You can also use this time to pray and meditate on bible scriptures. Finding some time during your day to quiet oneself can be very therapeutic in producing an effective and appropriate response in stressful conditions. Proper sleep is also important in coping with stress. Everyone knows how much sleep they need, but too much or too little sleep can affect one’s health in different ways. An abnormal sleep pattern can cause skin deterioration and sudden hair loss.


Stress at home and at the workplace can have a drastic effect on one’s eating habits. The abuse of alcohol, drinking coffee, and smoking are all effects that stress can have in improper nutrition and diet. Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in your diet can lead to iron deficiency or anemia that can contribute to sudden hair loss. A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health, are good for your hair. Although sudden hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will cause hair loss in most people. Foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content can help in maintaining healthier hair and preventing sudden hair loss.

The list above is only a means to stress relief, and not a cure for stress related hair loss. The best possible way to treat one’s sudden hair loss is by dealing with the root problem behind the stress. Exercise, diet and sleep can never eliminate the problem but can only help you cope with it in a positive and healthy manner. As a society, we blame stress on everyone and everything except ourselves and the fact is the only person responsible for your stress is you. Having the wrong attitudes, and our fears\ phobias contribute to creating more stress in our lives. Dealing with fears and anxiety with a positive attitude can help you overcome the stress in your life. The good news is, that one’s sudden diffuse hair loss can be dealt with and there are easy and effective ways to deal with stress and thus prevent sudden hair loss.

1 comment:

  1. I know how it feels when you lose your hair. I have this problem and am not able to control it. I feel stress is the major cause for my hairloss. Few causes given in have also contributed to my hairloss. Can anyone suggest me few tips on not to lose hair apart from stress relieving exercises.

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